
Friday, 16 December 2011

The post - new year note I


I am now at Monas Library, Level 2 – one of the port where I’d loved to dwell myself in. Once I stepped inside this morning, the library felt very familiar. It was the same air and intactness. It did feel like the normal weekend’s morning when we came to hang around here during our second and third years. The ambiance floated around and jolted me to consciousness of the present and the past. I love this place.

As being told in the Qur’an, every term would not last. At the end of patience and perseverance, things really feel all right. The years that were so much a headache leave us with a relief and contentment once we become grateful enough. In the hereafter we will be asked’ “How long have you spent on earth?”- and we will feel like we have only spent a day, or half a day or an instant of a wink living on earth. The same goes with all joys or omissions, they would leave with only a mere trace. What left are only us, the way we are today. From Al-Imam Ghazali, 'the farthest away is the past’. I could not agree more. There is nothing to change about the past; we would always in the need to just strive forward.

I guess I am very much a melancholic but positive person, I am definitely going to miss this place. I guess I know well what did I left at that school and what do I miss from it now. Now it would be over for Monas as well and I will be carrying Monas years ahead in my life and my head. I would miss the tense, the sense and the scent. I would miss your flashes and the moment I kept getting the flashes here and there. I would miss our labs and our buildings and our library and our lecture theatres and our cafĂ© and our conducive surau. I would miss my seats in the aquarium, at Level 2, at project’s workspace and everywhere we have belonged to. Someday later, maybe it is not the place itself that I’d be missing and it maybe not the people themselves anymore, yet I am sure I would be missing the same great thing that I miss from the school nearby the waterfall.

0n 13th December, To remain in memory, Monas and life

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Tidak mutual


Saya tidak tahu dari mana saya mendapat konsep mutualiti. Saya sangka banyak perkara dalam kehidupan adalah berkonsep mutual. Mungkin saya saja yang naif. Ia adalah anggapan bahawa setiap kebaikan akan dibalas dengan kebaikan manakala setiap kejahatan akan dibalas dengan kejahatan. Tetapi lama kelamaan saya melihat ketidakadilan dunia.

Pernah satu kali saya mimpikan emak. Kemudian pagi-paginya saya menelefonnya dan dia memberitahu dia asyik teringatkan saya dan sedang menunggu untuk menelefon saya. Ini hal yang biasa terjadi dengan orang-orang yang rapat. Telepati mungkin, tak tahu. Tetapi sebenarnya ia tidak mutualpun, kecuali dengan emak mungkin.. Apabila orang memberitahu bahawa kehadiran kita adalah sesuatu yang bermakna sedangkan kita tidak berasa begitupun, saya jadi tertanya-tanya.

Banyak ibu bapa yang diabaikan oleh anak-anak. Itu saja mungkin sudah cukup sebagai bukti. Akhirnya dasarnya cuma keikhlasan yang seluas pantai setinggi gunung dengan diiringi oleh kesabaran dengan menunaikan solat.

Cuma sedang cuba menolak konsep mutualiti. Ingatlah, banyak perkara adalah tidak mutual! Kuncinya ikhlas ...

Thursday, 29 September 2011



In this midst of night, I am reminded of the story of Prophet Ayyub 'Alaihissalam (pbuh).

He was once blessed with a big, happy family, with a lovely, loving wife and a very fine living. Everything is enough; complete.

One moment, all he had was taken back. He suffered from leprosy. Then his house collapsed killing all his children. His wife; Rahmah, stayed loyal by his side. At one point, out of poverty, she sacrificed her long hair for food and return home bald. Ayyub cried upon seeing his wife. She asked him to ask Allah to ease up their hardship but he replied, "Dear, this is not even half the years we spent in comfort before." After sometime, it had became unbearable even for her and she asked permission from Ayyub to leave. Ayyub told her, "Go away. I swear when you return I'll cane you a hundred times."

Lonesome, satan came and tempted him to whine for his fate. He lifted his hands up and prayed;

And make mention (O Muhammad) of Our bondman Job, when he cried unto his Lord (saying): Lo! the devil doth afflict me with distress and torment. (41)

(And it was said unto him): Strike the ground with thy foot. This (spring) is a cool bath and a refreshing drink. (42)

He was cured then and became more stunning than ever.

After a while, Rahmah who had been feeling very guilty and sinful as well as missing her husband returned to their home to find out a good-looking man she could not recognized that he was Ayyub.
And We bestowed on him (again) his household and therewith the like thereof, a mercy from Us, and a memorial for men of understanding. (43)

He forgave her, but was worried about his oath. Then Allah said;

And (it was said unto him): Take in thine hand a branch and smite therewith, and break not thine oath. Lo! We found him steadfast, how excellent a slave! Lo! he was ever turning in repentance (to his Lord)(44)

From chapter 38: As-Sod. This is one of my most favourite story ever.

Though can't help but asking is the replaced household feels the same like before. 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

A Somaliland


And keep your opinion secret or proclaim it, lo! He is Knower of all that is in the breasts (of men). (13) Should He not know what He created? And He is the Subtile, the Aware. (14)
Al-Mulk [67]


An African country located within the turmoil of surrounding nations. It seceded from Somalia and is now an independent region seeking for acknowledgement as a sovereign nation after its war period. 

A tiny entity of a Muslim country in the rise, 500 000 shilings of Somaliland equates USD $9. You bring $1 and you get in exchange a stack of money.

However, impressively, its telecommunication network is massive. Sales and transactions are done via transaction of mobile credit widely. Wow! So almost all small shopkeepers subscribe to the network, even for hawkers. One of the reason why this happens is because of the fast arise of telecommunication system yet slow economic proliferation. Then it is more comfy to carry a mobile phone around then bunches of money. Well, well, I can see opportunities here :D

It's a small, peaceful Muslim country. Money exchangers load their stackss of notes on the floor at daily markets without guard, let alone rifles. When the azan calls for prayer at every praying time, their and other stall owners cover their items with clothes and altogether head to masjid.

The Al-Bukhary Foundation gives out 30 sponsorships every year for Somalilanders to further studies in Malaysia. How much does it cost eh?

Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is the only Muslim listed in Malaysia's 10 richest people. How come only one Muslim is listed eh? Not to mention he is a Malay. He came from a disadvantaged background. So when he received his very first payment, his mother suggested to him that he should spare some part of his wage for the needies - not all what we have is ours. Then every month, he spared half his wage for his needs while the other half solely for charity! 

Oh my, we have lists to do with our first wage.

Millionaires and billionaires do charity. You do good deeds, you'll be rewarded in return - if only you do not meant the deed to regain profits in return as well. This is sunnatullah!

The women of Somaliland. Source from Google. Go Google for Somaliland.

Our beloved PM should try as hard as he could to avoid from talking about hudud! It's not that it's sensitive - it's taboo. You a Muslim must not say out that you don't have the intention of implementing hudud. Saying that Allah is The Most Brilliant but not for this case, covering up cleverly and safely by saying that the conditions are not suitable. Of course it's not suitable. Yet the vision is not to implement now but it can wait when the conditions are suitable - when the country is prosperous enough everybody lives a decent, contented life yet suddenly a thieve appears from nowhere out of his desire. Then we should go cut his hand for ruining the sacredness of the country.

The vision to implement hudud is a vision to make the country perfectly prosperous and harmony.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Kerana itu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda dalam firman Allah dalam sebuah hadith Qudsi: “Tidak ada balasan bagi hamba-Ku yang Mukmin, jika Aku ambil kekasihnya dari ahli dunia kemudian ia sabar, melainkan syurga baginya.”
Begitu juga mengeluh. Perbuatan ini sangat dikutuk oleh agama. Kerana itu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Tiga macam daripada tanda kekafiran terhadap Allah, merobek baju, mengeluh dan menghina nasab orang.”
Dan sabdanya pula, “Mengeluh itu termasuk kebiasaan Jahiliyyah, dan orang yang mengeluh, jika ia mati sebelum taubat, maka Allah akan memotongnya bagi pakaian dari wap api neraka.” (Riwayat oleh Imam Majah)
Semoga kita dijadikan sebagai hamba Tuhan yang sabar dalam menghadapi segala musibah.
Kerana Allah tidak mengutuskan ansor, maka biar saja Allah sebagai ansor :)